Our catalog of stuff


Basic Offers / Services.
Please note that the listed prices are only "estimated / average" and may be subject to change after negotiation / upon order fulfillment (depending on the type of order).

Web Development

✏️ Web
✨ Starter
A simple website based on WordPress, featuring all the required plugins, functions, and a modern look, while maintaining ease of use and reliable performance.
WooCommerce ready project
Mobile Friendly
Easy to use
550-1200 PLN / yr


100 PLN - Security Updates & Maintenance

200 PLN - Additional Features & Customization

50 PLN - Hosting & Server Setup

150-300 PLN - Content Management

50-100 PLN - Performance Optimization

100-250 PLN - Design Updates

50 PLN - Monthly Reports

✏️ Web
✨ Static Page
Popular option. A static website, similar to mine, with reliable performance, GitHub integration, full automation, and simplicity maintained.
Markdown managed content
Powered by Astro
Fast & Reliable
1300-2700 PLN / yr


150 PLN - Security Updates & Maintenance

300 PLN - Additional Features & Customization

100 PLN - Hosting & Server Setup

200-400 PLN - Content Management

100-200 PLN - Performance Optimization

150-300 PLN - Design Updates

50-100 PLN - Monthly Reports


Didn't find what you were looking for?
Feel free to contact me and describe your order.
We'll definitely figure something out!

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Order Fulfillment Process

Day 1
Initial Consultation

A conversation to understand the project's vision and goals to ensure the best fit for the project.


Day 2-7
Understanding Needs

A detailed analysis of requirements, creation of UI concepts, and an animated video preview of the design.

Day 8-21
Design & Optimization

Refining the design, optimizing performance, and making adjustments based on feedback.


Day 22-30
Final Touches & Delivery

Finalization of the project, providing a user guide, and suggesting ways to grow the brand.

Day 31
It's Yours!

Now let's think about the future of the project!



Let's be in touch.